Small Groups and Ministries
NewHope+ GROUPS are the small groups and DEMOGRAPHIC ministries of newHope.
There are groups for kids, youth, young adults, women, men and families. These are an opportunity to deepen relationships, growing in faith and as disciples of Jesus.
Crew Kids is for children aged 1 through to grade 6 in school. They meet in three different age-appropriate programs when we gather as a church on Sundays:
Crew Minis for kids aged 1-3
Crew Jr. for kids aged 4 through to grade 2
Crew Sr. for kids in grades 3-6
Our youth ministry meets in two separate age appropriate circles.
The Crew for years 3-6 at school (meeting Friday fortnightly)
The Core for years 7-10 at school (meeting Friday fortnightly)
Our Young Adults community is for those who are aged 16 (year 11) through to early 20’s. Our young adults meet regularly with the young adult communities of other local churches also. Contact us for more info.
Small Groups meet that cater for men, women, couples and other interests / stages of life. Each small group has a slightly different shape, so you're able to try out different small groups until you find one you're most comfortable in. These happen both online and in-person.
Other interest, social and sporting groups happen as well. If you have a particular interest or activity, please complete the form below and we’ll help you connect with others who share that same passion.
Hopscotch is our playgroup for parents and their infants and toddlers. More information can be found here.
If you'd like to find out more or begin to connect with one of our NewHope+ groups, please complete the form below and we'll be in touch to help.